Kimochis® Early Childhood Training (October 2024)


Training Dates: October 1-2, 8:30am-11:30am Pacific Time / 11:30am - 2:30pm Eastern Time

Level of content: Beginner

Type of Training: Virtual/Interactive

Training Flyer: Click Here To Download

REQUIRED MATERIALS: The Kimochis® Educator’s Tool Kit: Early Childhood Edition (PreK, TK, K)


Join this highly engaging and practical VIRTUAL training to promote emotional intelligence and well-being through fostering the 5 Core Social and Emotional Competencies outlined by the Collaborative for Academic and Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL) to create emotionally strong and resilient kids..

  • Self-Awareness (I am aware of what I am feeling.; I am aware of what others are feeling.)
  • Self-Management (I have helpful communication tools to manage big feelings with care and kindness.)
  • Relationship Skills (I show I care what others feel and use tools to stay connected and kind.)
  • Academic Achievement (I have tools to bounce back [resiliency] and persevere when I have feelings that make learning challenging.)

Learn Kimochis® Positive Communication Tools to replace challenging behaviors such as grabbing, yelling, interrupting, cutting in line, and unkind words.

Engage children at morning meeting and integrate social and emotional learning (SEL) throughout the school day with the Kimochis feeling pillows and characters .

Collaborate with parents to create a caring school community where ALL feel welcome and ALL belong.


  • Practical strategies for using Kimochis in both in-person and remote teaching.
  • Understand and articulate how to set up the Kimochis® Social Emotional Learning Program in the classroom and outline how to integrate SEL throughout the school day.
  • Express the connection between feelings and behavior for both academic and social behavior.
  • Demonstrate how to respond with positive discipline to the top 5 challenging behaviors in early learning using the Kimochis Keys to Communication, feeling pillows and Kimochis Characters.
  • Choose 3 specific ways to support a climate and culture that is inclusive, welcoming, tolerant, and kind for all families.
  • Create a simple plan for how to collaborate with parents so school and home use a common language to promote social-emotional learning.

 Training Cancellation/Refund Terms
Over 30 days before the Training date: cost minus $50
15 days before the Training date: 50% of cost
Less than 15 days before the Training date: No refund


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Training Dates: October 1-2, 8:30am-11:30am Pacific Time / 11:30am - 2:30pm Eastern Time

Level of content: Beginner

Type of Training: Virtual/Interactive

Training Flyer: Click Here To Download

REQUIRED MATERIALS: The Kimochis® Educator’s Tool Kit: Early Childhood Edition (PreK, TK, K)


Join this highly engaging and practical VIRTUAL training to promote emotional intelligence and well-being through fostering the 5 Core Social and Emotional Competencies outlined by the Collaborative for Academic and Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL) to create emotionally strong and resilient kids..

  • Self-Awareness (I am aware of what I am feeling.; I am aware of what others are feeling.)
  • Self-Management (I have helpful communication tools to manage big feelings with care and kindness.)
  • Relationship Skills (I show I care what others feel and use tools to stay connected and kind.)
  • Academic Achievement (I have tools to bounce back [resiliency] and persevere when I have feelings that make learning challenging.)

Learn Kimochis® Positive Communication Tools to replace challenging behaviors such as grabbing, yelling, interrupting, cutting in line, and unkind words.

Engage children at morning meeting and integrate social and emotional learning (SEL) throughout the school day with the Kimochis feeling pillows and characters .

Collaborate with parents to create a caring school community where ALL feel welcome and ALL belong.


  • Practical strategies for using Kimochis in both in-person and remote teaching.
  • Understand and articulate how to set up the Kimochis® Social Emotional Learning Program in the classroom and outline how to integrate SEL throughout the school day.
  • Express the connection between feelings and behavior for both academic and social behavior.
  • Demonstrate how to respond with positive discipline to the top 5 challenging behaviors in early learning using the Kimochis Keys to Communication, feeling pillows and Kimochis Characters.
  • Choose 3 specific ways to support a climate and culture that is inclusive, welcoming, tolerant, and kind for all families.
  • Create a simple plan for how to collaborate with parents so school and home use a common language to promote social-emotional learning.

 Training Cancellation/Refund Terms
Over 30 days before the Training date: cost minus $50
15 days before the Training date: 50% of cost
Less than 15 days before the Training date: No refund


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SKU: 20241001_CristECC2Day